How to enable the deb macro for the Masm32 examples

The MasmBasic package adds quite a number of useful functions to the standard Masm32 SDK. The most useful for beginners is probably the deb macro, which allows to monitor registers (eax, ax, al, xmm0, ST(0)…), variables (MyDword, MyReal4, …), and strings (deb 4, "A string at address eax:", $eax) in the console or using MessageBoxes. See here for a full description.

Let’s take one of the advanced examples, the tree demo at \Masm32\examples\exampl04\treedemo. To enable the deb macro,

-          install MasmBasic (step by step)

-          add the lines marked in red below:

         title   TreeDemo

         comment '*==============================*'

         comment '* Programed by Ewayne Wagner   *'

         comment '* E-MAIL: *'

         comment '*==============================*'

if 1

            include \masm32\MasmBasic\

            ; usedeb=0                   ; remove the “;” to disable the deb macro in your source



         .model flat, stdcall

         option casemap:none   ; Case sensitive


            include  \MASM32\include\

            include  \MASM32\include\

            include  \MASM32\include\

            include  \MASM32\include\

            include  \MASM32\include\

            include  \MASM32\include\

            include  \MASM32\include\


         includelib  \MASM32\lib\user32.lib

         includelib  \MASM32\lib\kernel32.lib

         includelib  \MASM32\lib\gdi32.lib

         includelib  \MASM32\lib\comctl32.lib

         includelib  \MASM32\lib\comdlg32.lib

         includelib  \MASM32\lib\advapi32.lib



; PROTO, MACRO, and Data section


You are done! From now on, you can add, for example (line 114):

;---------- [Load the Riched20.dll] ----------

      INVOKE     LoadLibrary, addr RichEdDLL

      mov        hREdDll, eax

      .if !eax       ; an error occurred

            deb 1, "°B9LoadLibRichEd", $Err$()      ; MessageBox displaying “Windows has a problem”